
We can make a simulation using a photo of your face to give you an approximate idea about how the color that you have selected will look.

Please consider that all the simulations are just that, simulations that try to give you an idea but that might not be exactly the same as the final outcome. This simulation can give you a good idea about your appearance after the surgery has been performed.

We provide this service on request and at no charge, once the first clinical visit has been arranged. That is, the simulation has a cost prior to the surgery, but this cost will be included in the final price of the surgery if you finally decide to have it in BlueGreen. In order to use this service please register for the first clinical visit and when this is confirmed we shall perform the simulation for you before your trip to Alicante.

The colors that we can simulate:

Choose color or colors

Run a good simulation

We will ask you to send us the following:

  • A high-quality photo (at least 1Mb) of your entire face, without make-up, without tilting your head, without colored contact lenses (avoiding selfies, except with a latest generation mobile).
  • If you wish, a photo with your preferred colored contact lenses, if you wear these types of lenses (if so, indicate in which photo you wear contact lenses and in which one you do not).
  • From the photo you send us, we will confirm if the simulation is workable.
  • You make the payment.
  • Once payment is received, our partner image consulting agency will carry out the simulations. These simulations consist of modifying the color of the eyes according to the color or colors that you have selected and the density or densities of your choice. These simulations will be accompanied by personalized advice on colorimetry.
  • The final decision will be made during the preoperative consultation with the ophthalmic surgeon.

Le pediremos que nos envíe lo siguiente:

  • Una foto de alta calidad (al menos 1Mb) de todo su rostro, sin maquillaje, sin inclinar la cabeza, sin lentes de contacto de color (evitando las selfies, salvo con un móvil de última generación)
  • Si lo desea, una foto con sus lentes de contacto de color preferidos, si utiliza este tipo de lentes (en tal caso, indique en qué foto lleva lentes de contacto y en cuál no)
  • A partir de la foto que nos envíe, le confirmaremos si la simulación es viable.
  • Usted efectúa el pago.
  • Una vez recibido el pago, nuestra agencia asociada de asesoramiento en imagen llevará a cabo las simulaciones. Estas simulaciones consisten en modificar el color de los ojos de acuerdo con el color o los colores que usted haya seleccionado y la densidad o densidades de su elección. Estas simulaciones irán acompañadas de consejos personalizados en colorimetría.
  • La decisión final se tomará durante la consulta preoperatoria con el cirujano oftalmólogo.

Price Table

1 Color 75€
2 Colors 100€
3 Colors 125€
4 Colors 150€
5 Colors 175€

* Payment method: bank transfer or card. VAT not included in the prices
